iniSURABAYA – Surabaya City Major is keeping up the effort to comfort the public transport user, especially those who currently often ride on Suroboyo Bus. In the beginning of 2019, Surabaya City Major has added 10 units of a brand new Surabaya Bus and it will begin to hit the road for East Surabaya and West Surabaya route.
The head of Surabaya City Transportation Department, Irvan Wahyudrajad, confirmed that the new buses has been added in hope that the passengers could wait less longer than usual. Previously they always wait for about 30 to one hour.
“Hopefully if all the buses has run on schedule, the passengers will just going to wait for at least 10-20 minutes for both east-west route and north-south route,” he said.
Irvan added, the new 10 buses will be divided accordingly demand. Even though the east-west route has more priority, but north-south route also has high demand to add more units.
“During the rush hour, we will shorten the departure time. But in the midday we will extend the time,” he explained.
About the payment method, Irvan confirmed that the passengers are still using plastic bottle. It requires three large sized bottles or five medium sized bottles for one ride which last for two hours.
As for the Suroboyo Bus operational, Irvan continued, Surabaya City Goverment covers all the operational cost from the subsidy. “The Regional Development Budget of Surabaya covers all kinds of the operational cost subsidy. Including the drivers, helpers, all the salary and the petrol. We spent Rp 100 millions per month and Rp 10 billions per year for 20 units of buses,” he said.
Irvan said that each bus has different amount of the operational needs especially the petrol. “It all depends on the distance,” he added. sum